Moliakov underlines professional base of finances. However both of these provide very substantiate conversation of finances, as something of formation, distribution and use of the funds of income sources, that comes from the subsequent explanation of the Como Organizar as Finanças :
Financial income relations, which types in the process of distribution and redistribution of the partial price of the national wealth and full social solution, is connected with the subjects of the economy and formation and use of the state income incomes and savings in the widened more creation, in the material arousal of the employees for satisfaction of the society social and different requests.
Finances of the socialistic state symbolize economical (cash) relations, with the aid of which, in how of in the pipeline distribution of the incomes and savings the funds of income sources of the state and socialistic produces are shaped for guaranteeing the development of the creation, rising the material and national level of individuals and for satisfying different standard society requests.
The machine of formation and use of essential funds of income sources for guarantying socialistic widened more creation symbolize precisely the finances of the socialistic society. And the totality of economical relations arisen between state, produces and organizations, divisions, parts and split up person according to the action of income funds make economic relations” ;.
Medical works in the concepts of finances and credit, according to the specification of the study object, are known to be many-sided and many-leveled. This is of totality of the economical relations shaped in the process of formation, distribution and use of finances, as income sources is widely spread. Like, in “the general theory of finances” you will find two meanings of finances:
Finances reveal economical relations, formation of the funds of income sources, in the process of distribution and redistribution of national bills according to the distribution and usage. That explanation is provided fairly to the conditions of Capitalism, when cash-commodity relations get general identity;
Finances symbolize the forming of centralized ad decentralized income sources, economical relations fairly with the distribution and use, which serve for satisfaction of the state features and obligations and also provision of the conditions of the widened more production” ;.That explanation is produced without featuring the environment of their action. We reveal partially such description of finances and think expedient to produce some specification.